Please fill out the form below to have a West Physics representative contact you to arrange for a service quote for your facility.
Our address and telephone numbers are:
West Physics
3825 Paces Walk SE
Suite 250
Atlanta, GA 30339
770-435-9186 • 1-866-275-WEST (9378) • FAX 770-456-5283
Office Hours: West Physics maintains liberal office hours for the convenience of our customers nationwide.
9AM – 8PM Eastern Time
8AM – 7PM Central Time
7AM – 6PM Mountain Time
6AM – 5PM Pacific Time
9AM – 5PM Eastern Time
8AM – 4PM Central Time
7AM – 3PM Mountain Time
6AM – 2PM Pacific Time
Closed Weekends & U.S. National Holidays
Many industries utilize radioactive materials in their processes and plants. Few experts understand the entire range of radiological applications and related issues. West Physics is here to help.
West Physics is ready and able to assist with licensing, radiation safety program setup and maintenance, leak-testing, and regulatory representation for the following types of operations:
Our staff of highly-experienced, graduate-degreed health and medical physicists provides outstanding customer service and technical knowledge. In fact, our Industrial Division is supervised by a double-board-certified former NRC inspector AND a double-board-certified Agreement State inspector. No other firm in the United States can provide this level of regulatory and technical experience, ensuring that your radiation safety program maintains total safety and compliance.