Please fill out the form below to have a West Physics representative contact you to arrange for a service quote for your facility.
Our address and telephone numbers are:
West Physics
3825 Paces Walk SE
Suite 250
Atlanta, GA 30339
770-435-9186 • 1-866-275-WEST (9378) • FAX 770-456-5283
Office Hours: West Physics maintains liberal office hours for the convenience of our customers nationwide.
9AM – 8PM Eastern Time
8AM – 7PM Central Time
7AM – 6PM Mountain Time
6AM – 5PM Pacific Time
9AM – 5PM Eastern Time
8AM – 4PM Central Time
7AM – 3PM Mountain Time
6AM – 2PM Pacific Time
Closed Weekends & U.S. National Holidays
West Physics is uniquely able to provide comprehensive radiation safety solutions for clients in the natural gas industry. In particular, West Physics has led the way in assisting clients with the development and implementation of radiation safety programs to properly deal with naturally-occurring radioactive material (NORM) concerns.
With emerging public and regulatory attention being paid to the radiological issues surrounding modern hydraulic fracturing operations, and with very significant, long-term plays such as the Marcellus Shale at stake, ignoring NORM issues or hoping they will go away are simply not viable options for the intelligent industry player. West Physics specializes in providing cost-effective solutions to ensure absolute regulatory compliance, radiation safety and environmental stewardship. Our Total Solution approach also addresses the critically important perception, policy, and liability aspects of these radiological issues, ensuring that these sensitive issues never jeopardize your substantial long-term investment in helping to ensure the energy security of our nation.
Whether you are a drilling operator, flow-back water recycling operation, or landfill desiring to properly accept associated waste streams, West Physics can help design a program that is affordable, minimally impactful to operations, and scientifically defensible. Our staff of highly-credentialed physicists represent the absolute cream of the crop in terms of radiation safety expertise and experience. Board-certified, graduate-degreed from top universities, and superbly trained in both technical and communications arenas, West Physics physicists have provided radiological expertise for some of the most respected companies in the world, including General Electric, Philips, EOG Resources, and many more.
We look forward to making sure that NORM issues never play a role in limiting your company’s future.